Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bretagne avec mes parents!

I have been so busy since my first vacation! Bretagne was AMAZING. I absolutely loved it and had an amazing time!!! We did so much in so little time! We began our journey in Locmariaquer where we stayed at the cutest hotel ever right near the beach. I got to Locmariaquer before my parents and I was able to explore the little town on my own for a few hours! When my parents finally arrived, we went out for crepes and cider, yummy! The next day, we embarked on a bout tour of the Gulfe de Morbihan. It was a bit windy, but it was still beautiful! We stayed in Locmariaquer for a few more days and explored the area and the menhirs and dolmen! The picture on the right is of my mom's favorite island with menhirs on it in the Gulfe... so pretty. The picture below is my dad and me playing in a dolmen (an old burial tomb)! The next day we headed to Loctudy, a little town further West where we saw this beautiful lighthouse! We went to a great creperie where we met some very nice Breton people who really enjoyed meeting Americans, since tourism is not as big in this region as the rest of France. We moved on to Pointe du Van, one of the furthest points West in France, which some people call the end of the world! After that we went to Concarneau, a walled in city that was so cool! There was also a transatlantic regatta that was about to start and we got to see all the boats! After we visted Pont Aven which was really pretty! But one of the best parts of the vacation by far was when we had dinner with a painter that my mom has been corresponding with for a while now! We went out to dinner with Charles Cambier, his wife and two friends, Alain and Elizabeth and it was so much fun! They are such great people and really showed us how nice the French in this region really are! Of course, mt parents were delayed a little bit by the volcanic eruption in Iceland, but they eventually made it home safely!